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Male vs Female

Most puppy buyers have a personal preference when making the choice between male verses a female puppy!
Many behavioral characteristics are more common in males while other characteristics are more common in the females.
Evaluating the characteristics may be helpful in determining which sex best suits your lifestyle.

The following characteristics often apply to females: Keep in mind, these are generalizations and there are exceptions.

  1. Reserved: Females take life more seriously and learn faster, however they tend to be busier compared to males. If you notice this in the puppies, it may increase with age. Often, they prefer and respect their special person and tolerate others.

  2. Independent: Females prefer to be in control. They may come to their owner but may leave when they have had enough attention.

  3. Stubborn:  A female is typically the ALPHA of their pack. They desire to control most situations and may respond to perceived challenges.

  4. Territorial: Like males, a female (intact or spayed) may mark their territory.

  5. Protective: Females are more protective of their home or (from their canine perspective) their den.

  6. Behavior and mood changes: Females start cycling around 6 months of age, and twice yearly thereafter.

  7. Their hormones increase during their heat cycle and their behavior or moods may be altered. They pass a bloody discharge and odor that attracts intact males.

The following characteristics often apply to males: Keep in mind, these are generalizations and there are exceptions.

  1. Affectionate: Male dogs are typically more affectionate than females. They tend to crave more attention from their owners (more than the females do) and share more affectionate behaviors with their family members.

  2. Attentive: Males tend to be more focused on their human companions, while the females tend to be a bit more independent. They are eager to please and prefer to remain close to their special person.

  3. Food Motivated: Males tend to be more food motivated which makes training easier. When they exhibit appropriate behaviors, it is important to reward them with treats.

  4. Exuberant: Male dogs maintain a fun loving and puppy like exuberance throughout their life. They love to run, play, and fetch.

  5. Aggressive behaviors: Intact males may display aggressive behaviors toward other males and exhibit marking behaviors.

  6. It is a known fact that the neutered males are more loyal, make better pets and are easier to obedience train.

  7. Protective: Males are more protective of their yard or (from their canine perspective) their territory. Most of them like to patrol their yards and mark the diameter with their scent. If another dog marks

  8. something they perceive as theirs, they will mark over it.

If you have any questions in reference to the information above, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with additional information.


If you already have a dog and are considering adding a new dog or puppy to your pack:

  • If you already have a male or female, a dog of the opposite sex is generally the best choice. Dogs of the same sex are more likely to challenge each other, than dogs of the opposite sex.

  • If you already have a male dog, he will likely be more accepting of a female, and you will have fewer dominance issues if you add a female to your pack. However, if you decide to add another male to your pack, they can peacefully co-exist with your guidance. It is important to closely monitor their interactions from the very beginning. Never allow aggressive behavior from either dog. For long term peace of mind, it's highly recommended to neuter both males.

  • If you already have a female dog, she will likely be more accepting of a male. Most males tend to be more submissive.

  • If he does not challenge your female, most likely she will not instigate a fight with him. Adding another female to your pack may be more challenging (depending on their personalities). The toughest combination is two females because they are more likely to fight than a male and a female or two males.

Many breeders and knowledgeable dog people own many females that coexist together without conflict, because we maintain the alpha position and watch for the slightest signs of discontent. Our females have established and accepted their pack hierarchy and we reinforce it. Whether you choose a male or a female, is your personal preference. The characteristics listed above are generalizations and do not apply to every dog. There are many variables that modify behavior. Depending on the birth order, many male puppies display female characteristics and many female puppies display male characteristics.



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